Yen Ting Chang's profile

Big Waves, Small Waves

(Collaboration Project)
Children's Illustration
This is a project that I worked with several artists and writers for Cures of Colors. 
I was responsible for creating several pages in this coloring book, and based on other artist's character design and script to develop curated illustrations.

This coloring book is about teaching kids about mental health and how to deal with emotions they might face.

這是我和一群插畫家跟作者為非營利組織Cures of Colors一起繪製的兒童著色本。


Link to the published coloring book:

Rough Sketches

Final Illustration
Page 1

"Otis, Jenny, and Mae are headed to the beach today!
Jenny's dad is tagging along with them to keep them safe."

Page 16

"You should never feel bad or ashamed about any negative feelings.
If you ever feel sad, angry, worried, or just not okay,
your friends and family should be there to help you too.
They love you no matter how you feel."

Page 17

"We are all part of the same ocean, but just like sea creatures,
we have different experiences, traditions, and points of view.
We look different too."

"But no matter who we are or how we feel,
we all ride the waves of our beautiful ocean.
And sometimes, 
we need a little extra help getting through those waves!"

Page 21

"'It's okay to be scared,' Jenny said,
bringing them all in for a hug.

Jenny's Dad smiled.
'Right. I just worry sometimes, you know?
But the end of the day,
I just want to make sure you guys are okay.'

'We're okay,' Jenny said."
Big Waves, Small Waves


Big Waves, Small Waves


Creative Fields