Profil appartenant à Ngân Hiếu

"Animals Are Rewilding Our Cities"

Warm greeting!
This is a study project that I did during my university term for around two months, including experiments and refinement. The aim is to find creative solutions and effectively interpret a chosen text with one title page and two double pages. The interpreted text is an article, "Animals Are Rewilding Our Cities. On Youtube, at Least" was written by Helen Macdonald and posted on The New York Times Magazine on April 15, 2020.
Reference:  [Accessed date: 28th of December 2023]

The vibrant red spreads over all pages because the context of the text was uncommon. It was written during the time when our lives were surrounded by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The fighting on the rumble red sea as a parody was inspired by the masterpiece "The Raft of the Medusa" (Théodore Géricault). 
Reference: [Accessed date: 28th of December 2023].
I completed this project in November 2023, and I have learned a lot from my first experience with the interpretation of text. This will help me improve my work in the future!
"Animals Are Rewilding Our Cities"
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"Animals Are Rewilding Our Cities"

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