Tejesh KP's profile



Statement : How will you tackle everyday challenges in design, if you are a Designer ?

Software Application Used : Canva
Artboard Dimensions : A4

A design manifesto is a statement that outlines the guiding principles, values, and intentions behind a design philosophy or approach. It serves as a compass for designers, providing a clear vision and purpose for their work. Below is an example of a design manifesto, but please feel free to customize it to reflect your own unique perspective and principles.

Create a simple statement on
" How will you tackle everyday challenges in design, if you are a Designer ? "
Principles :

Empathy First :
We start every project by seeking to understand the needs, desires, and pain points of the people we're designing for. Empathy is the foundation of creating designs that truly matter.

Simplicity as Complexity Resolved :

Our goal is to distill complexity into elegant simplicity. Through thoughtful reduction and refinement, we strive to create designs that are intuitive, accessible, and aesthetically pleasing.

Functionality as a Catalyst :

Every element and interaction within our designs serves a purpose. We believe in the power of functional beauty, where form seamlessly follows function.

Cultivating Delight :

Beyond utility, we aim to surprise and delight users. We seek to infuse elements of joy, wonder, and surprise into every design, fostering a deeper connection between people and the products they interact with.

Sustainability and Ethical Considerations :

We acknowledge the responsibility we hold as designers to minimize environmental impact and promote ethical practices. We strive to make sustainable choices in materials, processes, and production.

Continuous Learning and Innovation :

Design is an ever-evolving discipline. We commit ourselves to staying curious,
embracing new technologies, and pushing boundaries to create designs that are at the forefront of possibility.

Collaboration as a Cornerstone :

Great design is a product of collective intelligence. We actively seek diverse
perspectives, value interdisciplinary collaboration, and believe that the best
outcomes emerge from a synthesis of ideas.

Integrity in Execution : 

We stand by the quality and integrity of our work. We take pride in delivering designs that meet and exceed the expectations of our clients and users.

Conclusion :

"Harmony Through Purposeful Design" is not just a philosophy; it's our commitment to a higher standard of design. We believe that through these principles, we can create experiences that resonate, inspire, and leave a positive imprint on the world.

Remember, a design manifesto should be a reflection of your own values and beliefs as a designer. Feel free to modify and expand upon these principles to create a manifesto that truly resonates with your unique perspective and approach to design.

Best Regards From K.P.TEJESH 



