What is Perryweather?

Perry Weather represents a cutting-edge solution in the realm of weather monitoring, operating as a proactive ally in safeguarding teams and communities. This advanced system diligently tracks and analyzes weather conditions, ensuring that potential hazards are identified well in advance. What sets Perry Weather apart is its proactive approach — it not only alerts teams to impending weather challenges but also guides them with tailored safety protocols. This foresightedness empowers teams to make informed decisions, mitigating risks and enhancing overall safety. Additionally, Perry Weather stands out for its commitment to real-time updates, providing instantaneous and accurate information that facilitates swift and effective responses in dynamic weather situations. With Perry Weather at the helm, organizations can navigate inclement weather conditions with confidence, prioritizing the safety and well-being of their teams.

My role

As the Lead Designer at GOODFOLKS, I undertook a transformative role in revamping and reimagining the visual design of Perryweather, bringing a fresh perspective to this critical tool for weather monitoring. In this capacity, my responsibilities extended beyond aesthetics to include enhancing user experience and functionality. Collaborating closely with cross-functional teams, I navigated the intersection of design and technology to create a visually compelling and intuitive interface. The goal was not only to elevate the overall aesthetics but also to ensure that the design seamlessly aligns with the functionality of Perryweather. Through an iterative design process, user feedback, and a meticulous attention to detail, the revitalized visual design now harmonizes with the system's capabilities, contributing to an enhanced user experience and the overall effectiveness of Perryweather in proactively managing and responding to weather conditions.



