Ken (ikken) Man 님의 프로필

Sparta ink drawings & concept designs - Asian style

Sparta ink drawings & concept designs - Asian style
#Spartan ink drawings and cover design

Recently I was engaging in one interesting project. The target is to make a cover design in Asian style (with hand-drawn brushworks) for a fiction of Spartan story which is not only fight but also romance.

Sparta is famous as a prominent city-state in Laconia in ancient Greece. The story of Sparta inspired many books, films, and even video games in recent years.
How to present a Western story in traditional Asian art was a challenge. I tried thinking of some key elements of the story like Spartans, war, blood and beauty (rose).

Hope my work will give you some inspiration and expressional ideas.

Feel free to contact me if you want Asian style art and design.
About ikken ======
Calligraphic Artist Ink Painter デザイン書家 字體美術設計師/書法家/水墨畫家

PhD on Computer and Communications (Kobe University, Japan)
MPhil on Contemporary Japanese Calligraphy and Design (Kobe University, Japan)
One Year Exchange Program completed in Japanese Art (Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan)
BA on Calligraphy and Digital Media as well as Japanese Studies (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
40+ art awards

日本國立神戶大學博士畢業 Computer and Communications專業
日本國立神戶大學碩士畢業 日本現代書法設計專業
日本國立東京學藝大學一年交換留學 主修日本藝術設計
香港中文大學學士畢業 主修藝術系+副修日本研究
Sparta ink drawings & concept designs - Asian style


Sparta ink drawings & concept designs - Asian style

Sparta ink drawings & concept designs in Asian style


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