Marta Maria Madejs profil

"How to talk to your neighbor?" interplay action

How to talk to your neighbor? / Jak zagaić sąsiada? campaign arose from 
the simple need to unite the inhabitants of two Poznań districts: Naramowice 
and Winogrady. Our idea was as simple as the need to socialize the residents: 
cards with human and warm illustrations and forty example sentences to raise 
with your neighbor. With cheerful texts, funny illustrations and a inviting poster, 
we want to cheer up every grumpy person and encourage them to have 
nicer relations with our loved ones - neighbors.
© Copyright Agata Elsner and Marta Maria Madej 
In cooperation with: CIL Winogrady | Akademia Myśli | Scena Robocza | 
CzIL Naramowice | Mikro Dom Kultury Lotaryńska 6
"How to talk to your neighbor?" interplay action

"How to talk to your neighbor?" interplay action
