Rimba, a commodity trading house facilitating connections between Nigeria's minerals and metals sector and global markets, sought to establish a distinctive brand identity that conveys strength and positions them as pioneers in the commodities trading space.

The primary task at hand was to devise a unique logo and formulate a comprehensive branding system.

Addressing Rimba's branding challenges involved a methodical design approach, comprising multiple stages of research, exploration, and refinement.

Unforgettable Logo: 
The initial step involved crafting a memorable abstract logo. Drawing inspiration from mineral shapes, drill bits, and diverse mining tools, we aimed to encapsulate the essence of Rimba's identity.

Cohesive Visual Identity: 
A consistent visual identity was developed, extending across various touchpoints such as social media profiles and promotional items. The abstract logo, grids, typography, and colors were applied uniformly to ensure a unified and easily recognizable brand image.

Throughout the process, collaboration with the Rimba team was key. We engaged in an iterative exchange of ideas, incorporating their feedback and making enhancements along the way. This collaborative effort ensured that the final designs not only met but exceeded their expectations, effectively representing the essence of the Rimba brand.​​​​​​​

RIMBA Brand Identity

RIMBA Brand Identity

We were tasked with defining Rimba's brand identity in the mining and commodities trading sector. This led to a transformation featuring an abstr Развернуть

