Lili Lin's profile

Watchlist and notifications on Extension

ShopBack Button is a browser extension that reminds users to activate Cashback when user lands on a merchant site where the merchant is affiliated with ShopBack.
Problem Statement
Users can not monitor upsized Cashback rates on their desktop shopping experience.
Why should we add this feature?

1. Engagement
Watchlist has improved the engagement rate by 27% on mobile app.

2. Competitor
Our competitor, for example Honey, offers the same feature.

User Flow
Usability Testing

Ensure the understanding, usability, and accessibility of the new feature.

1:1 user interview with 8 participants.

Key Findings
 •  It is clear to users of how to add a merchant to Watchlist.
 •  Users understand that they will receive upsized Cashback notifications after adding a store to their Watchlist.
 •  The Cashback rate of a store and the follow button matter most to users.
 •  Users prefer the notifier to be compact as it doesn't take too much space on screen.

Overall Usability Score
 •  Add merchants to Watchlist: 6.6 / 7
 •  Enable notifications: 6.2 / 7
 •  View Watchlist: 6 / 7


All-time adoption rate: 39.5%
There are 39.5% of extension users have at least one store or product saved on their Watchlist.

Monthly redirects via Watchlist: 22,000+
Users who start shopping from Watchlist on Extension are more than 22,000 in average monthly.
Watchlist and notifications on Extension


Watchlist and notifications on Extension
