L I S T E N - Chalks & Scribbles
It became evident, after just a few episodes of S8 of Doctor Who, that Peter Capaldi's doctor was going to prove to be someone quite special. And since I hadn't really taken much of an interest in the show since the reign of the Tenth doctor, I thought it was about time I included Capaldi in my portfolio.
While it didn't feature as heavily as I first anticipated, the chalkboard did catch my attention quite early on. However, like many things I start, it's usually half way through a project I start to think... why did I start this? So, I confess, I did swear a lot creating the chalkboard!

This is vector art and all hand-drawn. NO LIVE TRACE FILTERS USED.
— LISTEN — The Twelfth Doctor —
How will Clara Oswald answer the man with the new face, new clothes and new personality
when he asks, am I a good man?
 — Am I a Good Man? —
They say eyes are the windows to the soul. So what do the Twelfth Doctor's say about him?
The design of Capaldi's face is meant to loosely define two things. The number 8 (as in Series 8) and a masquerade style mask. Especially as at the stage this was created, we really did not know who he was. And yet, even into S9 I'm still not sure we can know.
Unlike a lot of poly portraits I've seen, here on Behance, I do naturally tend to go for detail. Which, is just how I work in general with all my projects. But, I don't have any defined way of creating these images or set rules. I just go with what feels right for me. Whilst I realise the technique doesn't require a degree in rocket science, they do take time and require a lot of patience.

I DO NOT USE LIVE TRACE — as I find it a rather pointless filter most times, and it hardly ever gives pleasing results. Nor have I applied any photoshop filters other than colouring. Reference is always used to assist me, but I rely on my eye, to determine the finish.
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LISTEN #DoctorWho

LISTEN #DoctorWho

LISTEN - New unofficial #DoctorWho Posters /Prints and Tee Shirt design to promote Series/Season 8 of the UK TV Show. Now airing in the UK/US.
