Alan Trott profili

Blck_Mrkt Publishing

Blck_Mrkt is a new publishing venture, it began life as my final major project at Winchester School of Art. The aim was to create a publishing start-up that produced innovative publications that challenged the conventions of their genre. 
Blck_Mrkt Publishing, 2014
Written by Barney Arathoon
206 pages
210 x 279 mm
As the title suggests this book is designed to teach you how to play the drums and then show you how to play like your favourite drummers. I wanted to try and re-design the music book, a lot of the time these books can seem lifeless and academic when they should look as fun as the instruments that they are teaching you to play. This book was created by 2 people who are passionate about drums and music and that's really what I was aiming to show to the reader. 
The book is double sided, once you've learnt the basics flip it over to start learning to play some actual songs. 
Digital Design
How publishers use the internet could be key to the survival of book publishing. I wanted to create a digital version of the book which wasn't trying to emulate a physical book but was designed with the screen in mind. Once the user has chosen their desired book they are taken to the book's page where they are first shown a short GIF that flicks through the book. Here they choose whether to read or buy, choosing read will scroll the page down to the chapters section where they can read any chapter in the book for free. 
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thanks for looking
Blck_Mrkt Publishing
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Blck_Mrkt Publishing

Blck_Mrkt is a new publishing company

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