Hira Fatima's profile


Crafting an emotionally powerful architecture has the potential to be explicitly transcendental and phenomenal approach to design that redefines the emotional, spiritual, and physical relationship of the architecture with the self.

Utility turns into stunning sense of euphoria, as the spaces break the conformity of the function, and implicit a play of senses, that enthuse, and instills the true meaning of life. Through the sound of the rain and breeze of the wind, it could embody the true quality of a space. Not as an instant visual art, lost in the modern nowhere, nor as an alienated and isolated body, but one that that exceeds geometry and measurability through the polyphony of the senses, insisting on a dimension of transcendence in the space.
Phenomenological spaces offer a design that is not stylistic, or visual but its significance is in celebrating the beyond tangible essences and thus, it offers a broader spectrum of design that goes beyond simple utility, affordance, or beauty.

Manora thus serves as one metaphor for the wrenching transformations in much of the region, where globalized development has yet to begin, but whose rhetoric of technological progress and promise of newness threatens to erase existing sociality.
Despite its small landmass, Manora’s myths and legends date back thousands of years, and perhaps its strategic location amplified its importance over the years.

Over time, as Manora’s importance diminished to just its geographical benefits, its past demands to protect the land from erasure, to reclaim the space, and to see beyond the sad stretches of rubble it currently projects, by immersing oneself with the local hosts in order to get to know the place better. Perhaps the best approach for it would be experimental, and intensively immersive approach, because these layers of histories are just fragments of the legends and stories we got to know and these are known better by no one but the locals, in particular, the fisherman community who has lived here from generations.
The analysis of Manora highlighted the struggle the context faces with urban decay, placelessness and the loss of character despite its years of history, multi-cultural harmony, and rich geographical conditions. Art plays an important role in starting conversations, highlighting issues, and opening dialogues on local taboos or the potentials that no one talks about. The context insists that the lost aura be not just remembered but celebrated. 

By inviting creative intellectuals and artisans to Manora, and exploring various mediums of expression, it would perhaps enable conversations on the social structure, the cultural narratives, the historic myths, the latently alive past and about the memoirs of the context as a means to celebrate, reflect and protect the true essence of Manora.

The aim of the project is to support the local and international residency program and provide lodges and studios to the creative minds and a safe space to generate work and experiment. It would provide a creative platform to exchange ideas through meaningful and multi-cultural interaction. The program would allow to break away from the monotonous city life, to explore a historically and culturally rich context, to exchange ideas, and thus, through phenomenological approach to architecture, reside in a calm and contemplative atmosphere. 

Manora serves as a metaphor for the wrenching transformations in much of the region, where globalized development has yet to begin, but whose rhetoric of technological progress and promise of newness threatens to erase existing sociality. By involving creative intellectuals, it would shed light to the potential of Manora with respect to its local, cultural, and historic integrity.

Thus, the design would aim to celebrate the beyond tangible essences and offer a thoughtful, deep, contextual, relatable, and memorable architecture that goes beyond simple utility, affordance, or beauty, meant not to be just seen, but felt, embraced and self-experienced as an emphatic, soulful creation.
Manora’s spirit reflects in its streets and spaces, in the echoes of the steps, in the depths of the shadows, in the sound of the echoes and the silence of the sea. It lies in the lives of the people and in the lure of its history, in the calm of the air and the beauty of that sea! 

Oh, you will love the ocean, the colour of the sky, and the rush of the waves! It makes you feel small, but not in a bad way. Small, because you realize… You are part of something much bigger...
Hi, My name is Hira Fatima, I am a PCATP Licnesed Architect, graduate of NEDUET in 2022. Please like and share my thesis. Thank you for your love!

 Part 3 coming up...

