One Against The Night
He had been walking for hours, but he still couldn't see any sign of civilization. The darkness was oppressive, suffocating, relentless. He felt like he was the only living thing in this barren wasteland.
He had a flashlight, but he didn't dare to use it. He knew that any light would attract the creatures that lurked in the shadows. They were hungry, vicious, and merciless. He had seen them tear apart his friends, one by one, when their camp was attacked. He was the only survivor, the only one who managed to escape.
He didn't know where he was going, or if there was any hope of finding help. He only knew that he had to keep moving, keep fighting, keep living. He was one against the night, and he refused to give up.
He clutched his flashlight, his only weapon, his only companion, his only source of light. He felt a surge of courage, of defiance, of determination. 
He decided to turn it on, to shine it into the darkness, to challenge the night.
He pressed the button, and a beam of light pierced the blackness. He saw the eyes, hundreds of them, glowing red, staring at him with hunger and hatred. He heard the growls, the hisses, the shrieks. He felt the fear, the panic, the adrenaline.
He knew he was outnumbered, outmatched, doomed. But he also knew he was alive, he was human, he was brave. He raised his flashlight, his sword, his torch. He shouted, his voice echoing in the silence. He said:
"I am one against the night, and I will not go quietly!"
As per usual I have made a short story for the project but I’m gonna start posting more artwork soon as is. Id like to work on more anime, manga, pixel art and original character art to post as well. I have a diverse portfolio and I want to share it with you guys. Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you all again. 
One Against The Night


One Against The Night
