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What Are Important CIBIL Score Calculation Parameter?

What Are Important CIBIL Score Calculation Parameter?

Your credit score is a crucial factor in determining your financial health. It reflects your creditworthiness and plays a significant role when you apply for loans or credit cards. One of the most widely used credit scoring systems in India is the Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited or CIBIL score. To ensure a better understanding of your financial standing, it's essential to know the parameters that influence your CIBIL score calculation.

Payment History:
The payment history is one of the most crucial components of your CIBIL score. It accounts for a significant percentage of the overall score. Timely payments of credit card bills, loan EMIs, and other financial obligations positively impact your score. On the other hand, late payments, defaults, or settlements can have adverse effects.
Tips: Set up reminders or automate payments to avoid missing deadlines. Consistent on-time payments can boost your credit score over time.

Credit Utilization Ratio:
The credit utilization ratio is the proportion of your available credit that you are currently using. Maintaining a low credit utilization ratio (typically below 30%) is considered favorable. High utilization suggests financial strain and may lower your credit score.
Tips: Keep your credit card balances low and avoid maxing out your credit limits. Regularly monitor your credit card statements and make efforts to reduce outstanding balances.

Length of Credit History:
The duration for which you have been using credit products also influences your CIBIL score. A longer credit history provides a more comprehensive picture of your credit behavior. New credit users may find it challenging to demonstrate a consistent payment history, affecting their score.

Tips: Keep older credit accounts active, even if they have a zero balance. This contributes positively to the length of your credit history.

Types of Credit:
Having a diverse mix of credit types, such as credit cards, loans, and retail accounts, can positively impact your score. Lenders view a varied credit portfolio as a sign of responsible financial management. However, it's important not to open multiple accounts simultaneously, as this can be perceived as a red flag.
Tips: Maintain a healthy mix of credit types, but avoid opening new accounts impulsively.

Recent Credit Activity:
Frequent applications for new credit can signal financial distress and may lower your CIBIL score. Each time you apply for credit, a "hard inquiry" is recorded on your credit report. Multiple inquiries within a short period can be seen as a risk by lenders.
Tips: Limit the number of credit applications. If shopping for loans, try to do it within a specific timeframe to minimize the impact on your score.

Understanding the key parameters that influence CIBIL score calculation empowers individuals to make informed financial decisions. By practicing responsible credit management, such as making timely payments, maintaining a healthy credit mix, and being mindful of credit utilization, you can build and sustain a positive credit score. Regularly monitoring your credit report allows you to address any discrepancies and ensures that your credit history accurately reflects your finance.
What Are Important CIBIL Score Calculation Parameter?

What Are Important CIBIL Score Calculation Parameter?


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