Theme: hide and seek

Requirements: 3-4 colors, including Black
I originally was going to go with a blue/ green/ yellow for this piece, but as I mixed the colors together I realized I didn't like how the blue mixed with the other colors. I also was working with two different kinds of ink; Bombay and Hydrus. I found that only some of the colors mixed well. 
As I created thumbnails, I tried to get the most obvious iterations of 'hide and seek' on the page first so my mind could work on some less obvious ideas to really heighten the idea. When I found a couple I liked, I went over them with basic colors to get an idea for what I wanted. I eventually went with the lower right idea and expanded it in the final sketch to really make it seem like my figure was hidden in the foliage. It was a last minute decision to also make him green, but I wanted to do so in order to make it really seem like he was camouflaging himself among the greenery, and allow your eyes to really take the details of the piece in. 

Done in watercolor and ink. 
Hide N Seek


Hide N Seek
