in TIME?
BUGA 23 / LandArt Generator Mannheim, Germany
Energy Production and harvesting landscape.
in TIME?
Title: “in TIME? Public Art Proposal: A Sustainable Future Addressing Climate Change Urgency”
Introduction: Climate change is a daunting and alarming process, often unseen to most. This public art proposal, “in TIME?”, aims to raise awareness about the urgency of the current climate crisis while hinting at a metabolic and circular future.
Description: “in TIME?” is a captivating public art installation in Mannheim, featuring seven pie-shaped public spaces, representing each day of the week. Within these pies are twenty-four glowing columns, symbolizing the hours of the day and marking time to emphasize the urgency of acting against climate change.
Design: The design of each pie is carefully composed, considering local parameters and existing street compositions. The ground encourages play and creativity, accommodating public interventions. The “hour-columns” within the cluster are globally responsive to local conditions and are designed with parametric elements like light cones, solar fins, horticulture pods, vertical gardens, and energy reservoirs.
Energy Generation: This installation generates approximately 1077.6 MWh of energy annually, utilizing Multi-Junction Solar Cells with a theoretical conversion efficiency of 86.8% (assumed to be 42.5% for realistic scenarios). About 67% of the produced energy is directed to the city grid, supporting nearly 200 households, while 43% powers the proposal itself.
Sustainable Goals: “in TIME?” aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 13, urging urgent action to combat climate change. It also reflects upon Goal 3, promoting healthy lives; Goal 7, ensuring sustainable and modern energy for all; and Goal 12, fostering sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Conclusion: With its captivating design and sustainable energy generation, “in TIME?” serves as a powerful reminder of the need to address climate change urgently. It stands as a beacon of hope and commitment towards a sustainable future for Mannheim and beyond.

Organizers: Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI 2022 Mannheim.)
Category: Public Art Production Landscape
Project location: Mannheim, Germany
Built area: 7850sqm
Visualization: Twinmotion,Photoshop
•Tools used: Rhino, Grasshopper, Blender
•Design team: Aditya Mandlik
•Design year: 2022
in TIME?


in TIME?
