Print Work
HHS FY 2011 Budget in Brief - 2010

HHS needed a cover design for their FY 2011 Budget in Brief.  The style that they wanted was clean, professional which utilized colors that convey health care.  I provided 4 different options for the Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs (see other options section below).

I wanted to have some continuation between the front and back covers, so I incorporated different types of health care icons, as well as mechanical and organic background illustration that connects the two covers. HHS' primary colors are blue and yellow, so I selected a variety of blues, yellows and oranges for the cover.  After several iterations, the final cover is elegant and simple.
CMS Medicare Fraud & Abuse Brochure - 2007

The brochure was created for CMS' Medicare Learning Network. The 4-page brochure was available as a PDF download as well as a print-product. The client gave me complete freedom as far as design. I opted to do something modern to make it less government-looking while still holding up the integrity of the information presented.

I used InDesign to layout the brochure and worked with the client to select Royalty-free images from their photo library. Once the design was finalized, I made the PDF accessible by adding captions and reading order - among some of the steps. Backdrop and Video Still - 2009

As part of their outreach campaign to prevent the spread of the H1N1 Flu pandemic in, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services collaborated with the U.S. Department of Education.

For the kick-off event at GMU, they needed a portable backdrop and a video still. I recreated the website's logo and tagline in Adobe Illustrator for the print backdrop and made a high-resolution artwork for the video still. You can see the finished product on the video-capture below.
Trades show backdrop for Glynn Technologies.
Print Work

Print Work

Lestari Hupudio's print & promotional print samples.


Creative Fields