you-yun Zhang 的个人资料

GBMC blister toys|3D character design

Worldview setting

The era of cosmic mining is coming,
 and mining companies are sending their men to take over planets for rarer profits.
 GMBC, as a company that emphasizes personal ability,
 sends teams into the universe regardless of species or modifications...

Character setting

As a logistics technician and a medical soldier, Yuyun is always emotionally distant. She suffers from severe germophobia, hence her tendency to wear impenetrable protective suits during assignments. The polluted air on Earth has led to numerous illnesses, seemingly connected to her childhood experiences. This has made her extremely averse to the air quality in any location, even on habitable planets; she dislikes removing her space helmet and air purifiers, despite the breathable atmosphere.

This project is a practice work.
GBMC blister toys|3D character design

GBMC blister toys|3D character design
