Profil von Alif Meherab

Alif Meherab: Burger Hut

The owners of the BurgerIM franchise in Wylie, Texas hired Marketing Bee to rebrand the store to Burger Hut. To create a unique and recognizable brand, we designed a logo for Burger Hut using the golden ratio, ensuring that it stood out from stock images and other common shapes. To further optimize the Burger Hut menu, we used the BCG Matrix to identify their star, question mark, cash cow, and dog menu items. To ensure that Burger Hut’s online presence was cohesive, we then designed the website’s UI/UX in Figma, keeping in mind the brand’s unique identity and aesthetic. This involved selecting a color scheme, typography, and imagery that reflected the restaurant’s personality and values, and arranging the content in a way that was user-friendly and easy to navigate. Finally, we developed the website in WordPress, optimizing it for search engines and ensuring that it was mobile-friendly and responsive across devices.
Alif Meherab: Burger Hut


Alif Meherab: Burger Hut
