Wick n' Wax
Wick n’ Wax is a candle company and franchise that aims not only to sell quality products but also an experience. Our products are peculiarly curated to fit our target audience. Our algorithm is based on several research proving the attitudes and preferences of the main target audience can be categorized and be predicted in a database that will demonstrate and reflect their zodiac sign and its classification, whether it is air, water, earth or fire sign, solely based on their choices on our personalized test. As a plus, our company politics, has a green footprint, so we include the instructions on how to properly dispose of the used candle jar, included in the packaging there is an instruction card that contains the details on how it is best to wrap the jar and mail it to a spot center. As part of the returning process, the customer gets a certain discount in their next purchase.
Advertising Poster with Product:
Website for Personalized Test Poster
Instruction Card
Exhibit Statement:
Wick n' Wax


Wick n' Wax
