A visual study in repetition and variety, this arm-piece was designed to represent the juxtaposition of luminosity and solemnness. The opposite terms luminous and solemn express their potential synergistic power in natural occurrences and can be experienced through dawn's sunrise: creating a mesmerizing effect that makes one reflect and question.
Design Ideation Process : Sketching
Design Ideation Process : Sketching
Design Process: Wire construction bracelet skeleton
Materials - Assorted colored glass seed beads
Painted copper, glass seed beads, fireline
4" x 4" x 2"
Painted copper, glass seed beads, fireline
4" x 4" x 2"
Painted copper, glass seed beads, fireline
4" x 4" x 2"
“We went down into the silent garden. Dawn is the time when nothing breathes, the hour of silence. Everything is transfixed, only the light moves.” 
― Leonora Carrington
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Wire constructed bracelet with beading

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