Dmytro Yurchenko's profile

1st Face of the Cyber-Goddess – “Main”.

1st Face of the Cyber-Goddess – “Main”.

Hey, my wonderful and incredible Art People!

As this wintry Monday morning slowly peels off the dead skin of the weekend, I begin my story with the latest news from Maestro Di’s Art-Studio!

I am happy to inform you about the completion of my extreme art project and release it from the palms of my hands - to swim with the flow of the Internet-River!

In the period from the fourth decade of March to November 2023, I inspiredly collaborated with the Ukrainian IT company "Skeleton Crew", creating for them the so-called Maskot-Character (Talisman) - a visual embodiment of the "Skeleton" team.

So to speak - the "face" of the company in lines and colors.

The concept of the three-headed skeleton of the cyber goddess consists of the following concepts:

- the captain, his crew and the ship;

- special own traditions,

- family, values ​​of mutual help and support;

- amulet, protection from external negative factors;

- wisdom, accumulation of knowledge and its useful transformation for the accumulation of wealth and further expansion;

- runic symbols;
- elements of tribal design;

- esoterics;

- techno, fantasy;

- cyberpunk.

Here are the final renders of the three states of theMain, 1st Tech-Goddess:

- inactive phase;

- active phase with a closed humanized mask;

- active open phase with the image of a skull with "living" eyes.

Having thoroughly researched the market of sci-fi concepts, I came to the conclusion that such a design-hashtag crossover did not exist yet.

1st Face of the Cyber-Goddess – “Main”.


1st Face of the Cyber-Goddess – “Main”.
