The project aimed at encouraging users to encrypt their emails. Different audience groups were identified and  interfaces for these groups were designed individually. 

Gossip Detection was one of the features that would impact user's decision's to encrypt their emails.Therefore we included gossip detection in our interface. Our system prompts user to encrypt their emails if it detects a name in the email.

We also had a social interface just to get more users involved and to make encryption fun,a social experience.

A plugin for thunderbird was the main criteria to go about designing interfaces.
                              Website :
Interface 1 for Pro users
Generating key pairs for security purposes
Gossip Detection
Social Experience of Encrypting emails

Tools and Techniques used:

• User Study
• Keynote
• Axure
• Interaction design
• Prototyping
• Interviews
Make your Grandma Encrypt

Make your Grandma Encrypt

Project aimed at encouraging users to encrypt their emails. Gossip detection and social stats are a plus!
