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A social campaign - Preventing addictions among youth

Social Campaign - Preventing addiction among youth and young adults 
I had the pleasure of working on a project for a website and a series of brochures focused on preventing addiction among youth and young adults. The project was part of a social campaign supporting young people in recognizing and combating alcohol and other psychoactive substance addictions.

The project aimed to increase awareness and knowledge about the risks associated with the use or abuse of these substances, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle and alternative ways of spending leisure time. The project consisted of two main components:

Website: It featured educational materials on addictions, a test to assess whether one is addicted, and direct contact for assistance. The site was designed in an attractive and user-friendly manner, incorporating graphics, animations, videos, and interactive elements. It was available in multiple languages and adapted for various devices. The site was also integrated with social media to encourage content sharing and commenting.

Brochure Series on Addiction Prevention: These brochures were distributed in schools, colleges, youth clubs, and other places where young people gather. The brochures were designed with vibrant and modern visuals, including illustrations, photos, and slogans. They contained information on the health and social effects of addiction, coping with peer pressure and stress, as well as resources and institutions that can help in case of problems.

The project was implemented in collaboration with experts in addiction prevention and treatment, non-governmental organizations, representatives of youth and educational environments, as well as individuals with experience in addiction or overcoming it. The project was also supported by the Ministry of Health and the National Health Fund.

The project garnered significant interest and positive feedback from youth and young adults, as well as their parents, teachers, and caregivers. It contributed to raising awareness and knowledge about addiction, as well as changing attitudes and behaviors towards the use or abuse of psychoactive substances. The project also had an impact on increasing the availability and quality of assistance for individuals struggling with addiction or at risk of it.
A social campaign - Preventing addictions among youth


A social campaign - Preventing addictions among youth
