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福道中秋禮品設計|Wool Bag Design

追蹤月球傳說 – 福道帶你解開月球神秘近況


Embark on a lunar adventure with Foodao as we unravel the modern-day tales of moon legends. Teaming up with VisualDelay, we infuse Melbourne with Chinese culture and culinary delights for an international cultural feast. Foodao, rooted in Chinese culture, epitomizes warmth and hospitality through its focus on healthy, delicious, and safe Chinese cuisine. This Mid-Autumn Festival, our creative event breathes new life into ancient moon legends, seamlessly blending tradition with contemporary culture. Follow Foodao to track the current whereabouts of the Moon Rabbit, Chang'e, and the missing hero Wu Gang, unveiling the moon's mysterious veil in a celebration that blends curiosity, exploration, and cultural heritage.

嫦娥 - 時尚博主 |Chang'e - Fashion Blogger 
這位每年登上熱搜的仙女,最近掌握了月球時髦的拍照技巧, 還在社交媒體上分享了一系列美美的照片。 
This enchanting lady, an annual social media sensation, has recently mastered the art of lunar-chic photography, sharing a series of captivating moonlit moments.

玉兔 - 搗藥高手,現在偏不要|Moon Rabbit - Mischief Maker
過去,玉兔在月球上辛勤搗藥, 叛逆期的他搖身一變成了你月餅搗蛋戶。 
Once tirelessly concocting elixirs on the moon, the rebellious Moon Rabbit has transformed into your mischievous mooncake connoisseur.

吳剛 - 尋找失蹤的英雄|Wu Gang - The Missing Hero
每年中秋節大家都只關心玉兔和嫦娥, 吳剛鬧脾氣啦!!! 最近神秘失蹤了。 幫忙尋找吳剛讓他們團圓吧
While everyone usually focuses on Chang'e and the Moon Rabbit during Mid-Autumn Festival, Wu Gang has mysteriously disappeared. Help us find him for a joyous reunion!

中秋禮品 - Chill Out/松羊毛提袋|Chill Out Lunar Fest Wool Bag

在這個中秋節,我們送上一份以Chill Out/松為主題的羊毛包。
"Zen Out" 表示遠離煩惱,專注於當下的美好時刻
"Chill Out" 鼓勵人們放鬆心情,盡情享受節慶的喜悅
"Hang Out" 強調與親朋好友一同創造難忘的回憶,同時也有hang outside把包包重複使用背出門的意思,與福道提倡環保理念契合。

In the spirit of "Chill Out," we present a specially designed wool bag. "Zen Out" encourages leaving worries behind, focusing on the present's beauty. "Chill Out" promotes relaxation and relishing the festive joy. "Hang Out" emphasizes creating unforgettable memories with loved ones. It's also a call to 'hang outside' with a reusable bag, aligning with Fudao's commitment to environmental consciousness. The "Pine" theme reflects both traditional and modern interpretations, encapsulated in a circular bag — not just a gift but a wish for a well-lived life.

我們抓住了一個難得的宣傳機會,在墨爾本獨有的街頭風情親手製作自己的Mockup,選擇了當地知名的印刷公司 Office Work,使用了80gsm超薄的 B0 海報印刷,刷膠上牆,親手拍攝了一組街頭景象。我們不僅僅是創作者,更是實踐者,這次的活動我們親手打造了一系列獨一無二的街頭 Mockup。這些生動的場景,以及在當地街頭拍攝的一組照片,不僅為我們的設計增色不少,也為福道品牌在墨爾本的街景中注入了更多的活力。

Seizing a rare opportunity, we crafted our mockups on Melbourne's distinctive streets. Partnering with Office Work, we printed vibrant 80gsm B0 posters, adorning the city walls. This hands-on approach reflects not just our creativity but practical execution, injecting Fudao's brand with vibrant energy amid Melbourne's unique street scenes.

T H A N K S        F O R        W A T C H I N G
原來月球和人間一樣       只要有美食就能將人團聚起來!
Just like Earth, the moon comes alive with food, bringing people together.

福道中秋禮品設計|Wool Bag Design
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福道中秋禮品設計|Wool Bag Design

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