“Chow Chow”– DME- 140: Introduction to Audio/Video Concepts
    Canning has always been a summer tradition for my great grandmother and one she has passed down to the women in my family. She takes it very seriously (and has countless blue ribbons from county fairs as evidence). In this vignette, I give a lively–if not a little chaotic–glimpse of four generations keeping a tradition alive, canning a relish we call chow chow.
    This piece served as my final project in my Introduction to Audio and Visual Media course. The goal was to demonstrate my knowledge of editing digital media. The footage was filmed on my iPhone the previous summer for no reason other than preserving moments. This presented many challenges as the quality of the vertical video and sometimes muffled audio weren’t ideal. In the end, I felt the unsophisticated videography only leant to the “down home” feeling of the video.

Chow Chow

Chow Chow
