Perfil de Tanvira Khot

Chavisht Ad Capaign

Introducing “Snack the Marathi Way,” an ad campaign by Chavisht that aims to promote the traditional snacks of Maharashtra and bridge the gap between generations. We believe that food is not just a form of sustenance but also a way to connect with our culture and heritage. As a brand, we are dedicated to reviving the culture of Maharashtrian snacks that have been passed down through generations. With Chavisht, you can experience the authentic taste and essence of Maharashtra with our wide range of traditional snacks. Our granny, Chavisht, is passionate about her culture and loves to share her stories and joys with everyone. Join us in spreading awareness among the youth of the rich and diverse Maharashtrian culture by snacking the Marathi way with Chavisht. Our mission is to provide Maharashtrian snacks that remind people of their roots and our vision is to promote Maharashtrian culture through our brand. Come, be a part of our journey in preserving and celebrating our culture for generations to come.
Chavisht Ad Capaign

Chavisht Ad Capaign
