Poly vector Artwork
Back in my sophomore year of high school, I took the Advanced Graphic Design class where one of our projects was to create pole vector art based on 3 different photos. We had to select one animal, one plant and one food to use for this project as a part of the deliverables.
Original Photos
The photos I selected photos of a wolf, maple leaf and a lemon as shown above.
I first started working on the wolf first at the nose, getting really focused on detail and then trying to have a good amount of detail at the face which is one of the main focus's and then fading out with less and less detail. And to try to keep focus on the wolf and to not distract from it, I made the background Black to keep the focus on the face of the wolf.
Next I worked on the Lemons where I tried to focus more on keeping the same shape and having that fade of shades the original image had. While also keeping it realistic enough that if you were far enough away you would think it's a photograph.
Finaly, I ended with the Mapel leaf where I took a more creative approach instead of focusing on detail and used a light purple background to compliment the bright oranges.

Spring 2021
Poly Vector Artwork
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Poly Vector Artwork

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