Profiel van Sara Sampey

Brand + Video with Global Reach

A Global Journey with Bismarck State College
When Bismarck State College (BSC) decided to expand nationally and internationally, they knew they needed an innovative marketing campaign. As the Video Director and editor, my role was to visually narrate this evolution, emphasizing the college's commitment to career technical education. Through strategic video storytelling, we set the stage for a significant shift, elevating BSC’s new brand and positioning it on the global map.
Challenges Met with Creative Solutions
Through meticulous research and creative collaboration, the marketing company I worked for crafted BSC's new identity, "Done Right.” This was no easy feat. Narrowing down our options, we needed to consider not only the local audience but also how the brand would resonate with a broader audience. As we drew closer to selecting “Done Right," concern was raised about the possibility of "right" being perceived as a political statement promoting a conservative agenda, especially during an election year, which could pose a problem for the college. After some discussion, it was decided that with the correct copy, the fairly neutral color of the college, and a bold visual style, we could easily keep the brand a-political. I feel "Done Right" mirrors the robust spirit of North Dakotans and serves as an inspiration to students both locally and worldwide.​​​​​​​
YouTube Marketing Done Right
The next step in my journey with BSC was crafting the "Done Right" brand video, and I was lucky to be able to take a trip to the college to get a feel for them and their students. Though my trip was in the spring, I was there right after a very late-season snow storm that set records. I dug out my winter coat and prayed my plane would land on time. Despite arriving during winter part.2, I got to stand on the BSC campus, look into many classrooms and labs, and speak with many students. All of this helped give me a deeper understanding of how they get things “Done Right.” This trip helped inform not only this first brand video which I edited but also the rest of the video campaign as I directed my team. 
Keeping in mind the broader audience and emphasis on career technical programs, I got to work on the brand video. I integrated college-provided shots of students on campus, motion graphic animations, and a carefully selected song that encapsulated the ethos of "Done Right.” The video, initially created for the brand launch, surpassed expectations and was later featured prominently as a YouTube ad.
Record-breaking Enrollments and Global Reach
The impact of our efforts was substantial. Between the video and digital ad campaigns, BSC experienced a noteworthy 6.26% increase in overall headcount for the Fall Semester of 2022; a 20.19% increase in overall headcount for Spring 2023; and a +3.21% bump in credit hours. These figures positioned BSC as a leader in enrollment growth among state colleges.

The YouTube campaign results alone were nothing short of exceptional. The "Done Right" brand video garnered 1,818,100 impressions and a remarkable 1,064,190 completed views on YouTube. What's even more noteworthy is the $0.04 cost per view, which is almost 4X lower than the industry average of $0.15. These results set a new benchmark for international campaigns, showcasing the power of strategic visual storytelling in the digital space.

The ripple effect of the video campaigns reached students from North Dakota to Idaho to Saudi Arabia (2 of their target areas), fueling a significant +33% increase in online program enrollments.

This project is evidence of the power of strategic visual storytelling and integrated marketing strategies in the realm of education, and I am proud to have played a central role in its success.
Brand + Video with Global Reach


Brand + Video with Global Reach


Creatieve disciplines