Benjamin Puddys profil

Knife Angel - North Somerset Brand

Knife Angel’s logo identity was a live brief that I carried out for North Somerset council.

Knife Angel is a sculpture that was built using 100,000 knives, collected from knife bins or used evidence with permission from the police force. It stands as a symbol against the violence of knife crime, and aims to bring the people together as one, reveal and teach the true effects such crime has on families.

The target audience for Knife angel was discussed with the client and what they wanted to achieve from the logo created, being residents from the age range of 11 - 24.

My final concept was designed to visualise a symbol of strength, and defiance in the face of aggression. 
This is my final logo, and I designed it as a shield for people to rally behind, a strong logo of power that stands steadfast and resilient in the face of violence and trouble.
I decided to use this simple but effective colour palette. because it doesn't overcomplicate the design and leaves it memorable. The orange hue is warm, comforting, but also passionate, fiery and bold. It retains the positive aspects of colour such as red, while not carrying the negative connotations alongside.
To accompany my designs for the client I presented a variety of merchandise examples and supporting marketing for how the branding could visually appear.
This is the final brand board that displays all elements of this project.
For this project, it was tasked as a live brief from North Somerset; our client being the Violence Reduction Partnership, the company behind Knife Angel. The logo was designed with it being held as a symbol of strength, and defiance in the face of aggression. 

For the client, I designed a variety of merchandise and poster templates for how the branding may appear on various products and in some locations.
Knife Angel - North Somerset Brand

Knife Angel - North Somerset Brand
