Orca Evolution
I have always had a fascination with orcas, so for this project I created, I decided to make them the subject. The purpose and goal of my project was to create a news-style story with a motion graphic pack animated over it. The animations include a title slide, lower 3rd graphic, data viz, and sources.
The Creation Process
To start my sketches and designing, I knew I wanted to challenge myself and create graphics that really connected back to my subject. Since the story is talking about the terrifying hunting habits of orcas, I did a play off of JAWS for my title slide. After finishing that graphic, I even decided to create my own cheesy sound effects. My lower 3rd graphic has a whale swimming across the page with my name behind it. The data viz shows how the reasons we've been learning these things about orcas is because of more cameras and more boats, so I created a trim path that goes up on the sailboat graphic. Lastly, for my sources slide, I made the front half of the whale with his mouth open, with the source coming out of his mouth on a wave. In my original plan, that graphic was going to by used in my data viz, but I changed it since the boat made more sense. 
The Final Product
Overall, I feel like I was really able to communicate my message through my graphics. If you were to watch the video with no sound, you would still understand that it was about orca whales. It was definitely a challenge trying to figure out how to make everything work, but overall I'm satisfied with the work I was able to do in the time that I had. 
Orcas in Motion

Orcas in Motion
