The name "PASTÉL skin" is derived from the softness that pastel colors convey in the environment and still trigger a warm feeling. This is exactly what the skincare products are supposed to do.

The Brand feels Pure, Rough, Organic, and Calm.
PASTÉL is not merely a skincare brand; it is an invitation to rediscover the beauty that lies within, a sanctuary where nature's gifts illuminate the path to radiant, healthy skin.
I begin by brainstorming and conceptualizing ideas for the overall look and feel. 
I wanted to create a brand book anyway, so I adapted the Moodboard to my Keynote file.
To create a skincare and lifestyle brand that is not only minimalistic but also interesting to look at, I combined the visual language with appealing pictures while adding simplicity to the text.

For this case, I focused on the voice and tone as this is the story behind everything and it decides if people would buy this product or not.

It should feel consistent, and authentical but not perfect.

Why? Because no skin on earth is perfect I want to normalize flaws and textured skin while also promoting that this is actual healthy skin as well.

I wanted the packaging of the products to feel pure, clean, and calm. 
So I decided to go with a glass print for all the information. 
I modeled and rendered the prototypes with Cinema4D and Corona Render.

Visual Concept
In the age of social media, visual concepts are extremely important because a lot of possible customers search for 
self-care products on different networks, especially Instagram and TikTok.

The concept reminds me of diverse aesthetic boards. 
It inspires and indicates that it's beautiful to take care of a human body. 

For the logo, I used "YSabeauSC Font" as Light Regular Typeface and the Subline as Light Typeface.

I wanted to recreate a London Fashion Brand moment to make everything feel classy. The color scheme is deeply inspired by the beautiful earth. For normal text, I went with the calm and cautious "Afasad Font" to keep the focus on the key visuals and product.

Thank you so much for reading!

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PASTÉL skin Branding
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