Profiel van ThinkDow - Brand

三星堆—“完整的身躯” Sanxingdui—“Complete Body”

项目名称/Project :古物焕新young
平面设计/Graphic Design:ThinkDow—赖剑聪
产品设计/Product Design:ThinkDow—罗国津

设计说明/Design Description:


The bronze head of a merchant wearing a gold mask in Sanxingdui is not only of great historical significance but also highly ornamental. It represents the highest level of craftsmanship of that era and is a veritable work of art. When doing Sanxingdui cultural creation, we not only hope to make it ornamental but also of practical value. Seeing the bronze heads one after another not only made me fantasize about the bodies under the heads, but also inspired me to make a series of wine bottle stoppers. The idea is that the bottle stopper can adapt to various bottle shapes, giving the bronze human head a new life with its "complete body"!The work is an extension of various Shang bronze heads. In the future, more bottle stopper forms can be extended for consumers to choose from, allowing Sanxingdui to be used as a decoration to add cultural flavor to the home. In terms of packaging, we used a special-shaped carton presentation method. The structure of the carton follows the characteristics of Sanxingdui cultural relics. At the same time, these bronze heads are graphically presented on the packaging more concisely. The black and white color style highlights the Sanxingdui cultural relics. The mystery and the extraordinary creative ability of the ancients.

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三星堆—“完整的身躯” Sanxingdui—“Complete Body”


三星堆—“完整的身躯” Sanxingdui—“Complete Body”
