Isabela Polido's profile

Organização de eventos presenciais

Bett Educar 2023
Juntamente com a ENG DTP & Multimídia organizei o stand na Bett Brasil juntamente com a Semesp e os parceiros LG Electronics, Faronics Corporation e Matterport.
Together with ENG DTP & Multimídia, I organized the stand at Bett Brasil together with Semesp and the partners LG Electronics, Faronics Corporation and Matterport.
Open House ENG DTP & Multimídia
Evento para conhecer as soluções oferecidas pela ENG com intuito de levar o melhor para as IES, empresas, alunos e colaboradores.
Event to learn about the solutions offered by ENG with the aim of bringing the best to HEIs, companies, students and employees.

Marcas parceiras/Partner brands
Medical Harbour, PARS, Adobe, Autodesk, Matterport, Unity, D2L, Class, WIRIS, Microsoft, Pocketech, XPPEN TECHNOLOGY CO.
FNESP 2022
Evento presencial da SEMESP onde que pude organizar o stand.

Contou com parceiros de tecnologias, como a LG Electronics , Matterport, Medical Harbour, Class, Faronics Corporation, Autodesk, D2L, WIRIS Adobe Certiport - A Pearson VUE Business e Microsoft.
SEMESP in-person event where I was able to organize the stand.

It included technology partners such as LG Electronics, Matterport, Medical Harbor, Class, Faronics Corporation, Autodesk, D2L, WIRIS Adobe Certiport - A Pearson VUE Business and Microsoft.
CIAED 2022
Organizei o stand e participei da 27º CIAED da ABED em Fortaleza.

Um grande desafio que foi designado a mim organizar e divulgar o stand por 5 dias.
I organized the stand and participated in ABED's 27th CIAED in Fortaleza.

A great challenge that was assigned to me was to organize and publicize the stand for 5 days.
Organização de eventos presenciais


Organização de eventos presenciais
