Menu Project.
The prompt for this menu assignment was to create a menu for a fictitious restaurant. This project had to include a certain number of menu items, prices for such items, design elements, and a chosen theme. The theme that I chose for this assignment was a retro diner. The design elements chosen portray the theme based on color, shape, and font choices. The menu items that I chose to incorporate were chosen based on the continued theme of this being a kid’s menu. The main menu item I chose to incorporate was chicken tenders, followed by an assortment of high-quality and high-priced dishes. Included in the design process is a dessert menu, as well as a coupon notification of a crayon-lollipop trade-in. Finally, the restaurant name I chose was based on one of my younger sisters. She likes to play restaurant pretend games and always uses the name Forks and Spoons. This menu project was a fun design to create and theme to conceptualize.
Forks & Spoons Menu
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Forks & Spoons Menu

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