Profil sherlyn sanchez guerrero

The Next Best Thing : a Devine project

The Next Best Thing
A Devine project
Let me give you a quick introduction to the context surrounding this project. I'm a first year Devine student, and this is my assignment.

The assignment is fairly straightforward, I pick a problem that has been documented in a UX notebook. The UX notebook was part of a past assignment where we documented issues people around us faced on a day to day basis. In this assignment we pick one of the issues and come up with a digital solution.

I'll walk you through my process and show you how I eventually came up with my own digital solution.
The Problem
This here is the problem I picked from someones UX notebook. Here this persons sister is the one we're focusing on. For convenience sake I gave her a name, so its simpler to know who I'm referring to. For this project I named her Lien. What do we know about Lien? 

Lien is a young girl with two roommates, we can assume she's a student, and Lien has trouble sleeping because of one of her roommates. We know that her Roommate snores a lot and it's keeping Lien up at night. We know this happens every night and that its causing Lien to be very tired the next day.
I have illustrated a storyboard to better visualize what Lien experiences
How might we..?
So you may think, how might we resolve this issue? Its a question that we have to view from different angles. We could approach it as "how might we get the roommate to stop snoring?" but we could also approach it as "how might we get Lien to sleep well regardless of her surroundings?" In this Miro board you can see my process with the different how-might-we-questions, as I try to see which angle I think is best for this problem.
after brainstorming and using 3 of the SCAMPER methods I came up with three possible digital solutions that would lessen or change the impact noise has on sleep
The Solution
1: a device you put on your nightsand, that picks up the noise that isnt coming from your side, and then inside the machine it evens out the sound waves with its own waves and then when those sound waves reach you, its pretty much just silence. so every noise that travels your way will lose its loudness and impact immensely when it reaches you.

2: A Virtual Reality headset that is comfortable to sleep and shows you calming visuals like landscapes to calm you down, and confuse your brain into associating the disruptive noise with peaceful nature. So intense snoring will maybe translate into waterfall rumblings in your brain.

3: A pillow that uses noise sensors to activate inflation, when it balloons up it covers your ears so the disruptive noise isnt as loud, there is alsoa mobile app that lets you manually turn it on and off. It can also let you decide at what level of noise the pillow will inflate.
I thought the 1st solution was the best, so I put that into  storyboard to show how this could fix Liens sleeping problem.
The pitch
Throughout this project I learned how to approach solving a problem. It was a bit challenging to go from just spotting and identifying a problem, to finding a solution. Not because I couldn't think of any, but because I had to approach it from several angles and use different brainstorm methods to come up with something. 

I think the brainstorming really helped me broaden the possible solutions I came up with and it helped me document my thought process, which was very valuable whenever I got stuck trying to verbalize my Idea. I think this assignment had its challenges, but I'd like to believe I ended the assignment with more knowledge of how to brainstorm porperly for solutions then when I started.
Sherlyn Sanchez Guerrero  Student work 2023-2024 Experience Design 1
@Devine: Bachelor Digital Design and Development 
The Next Best Thing : a Devine project

The Next Best Thing : a Devine project


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