The organic haircare brand from Etretat, France. Viélfel using only natural ingredients in their products providing safe and gentle haircare.

The brand also sources their ingredients from local farmers and communities, ensuring that they support local businesses and reduce their carbon footprint. This ensures that customers can make informed decisions about the products they use and the impact they have on the environment.

When designing the packaging, our requirement was to use a standard packaging shape + achromatic colors, putting more emphasis on typography  to make non standart canvas of text without losing its clean and airy feel. The packaging also has a gentle natural texture that enhances the customer's tactile experience when interacting with the brand.

The brand's lineup is currently represented by two products: moisturizing hair mask + indelible moisturizing hair cream.
In the future, brand plans to release more care products for different hair types.

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A. VIÉLFEL Haircare
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A. VIÉLFEL Haircare

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