Perfil de Brittany Hansen

End Human Trafficking Campaign

Public Awareness for Human Trafficking
Working with Justice U was incredibly eye-opening. I went in with ideas about showcasing some truly horrifying images. The women at Justice U let me know that they choose to abstain from these types of images because the wrong audience actually finds them enticing, and even sexual. 

After much thought I decided that extreme understatement with bare facts may be the best way to expose these truths.
Another unexpected thing I learned is just how many false ideas I had about human trafficking, and not just me, but much of society. We tend to believe human trafficking looks like a Liam Neeson movie. For the vast majority of victims this just isn't true. Many victims are coerced, manipulated, and gaslit into being trafficking, and that's how they stay, too.
I felt the best way to add an extra punch to this campaign was by utilizing as much hide and seek as I could. It seemed to fit with the theme and ideas of restraints, of missing, of slavery. 

Even though these images are simple they seemed to illicit strong reactions from those I have shown them to.
End Human Trafficking Campaign
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End Human Trafficking Campaign

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