"The Fall"

Accompanying Short Story:

"The Fall"

“We’re falling to our deaths. Why slay my demon? The end is inevitable.”

“Your daughter fell after you, she’s high above. If you don’t, it will hunt her next.”

I’ve seen my demon for a long time, avoiding it. Now, I draw my gun and fire. A tiny piece falls from the enormous beast. I squint and then my eyes go wide. This demon isn’t one demon: it’s a creature made of thousands!

My heart races hard enough to explode. How many of my ancestors never faced their demons? How many of these creatures are mine? How many were passed down the line to hunt me next?

I fire again and again. Do I have enough ammo? Time? I think of my daughter. The ground fast approaches. I keep firing. Tears flood my eyes.

Will I kill them all?

I’m running out of time!

I fire and fire and--
The Fall


The Fall

