Assignment 3 The next best thing
Welcome to my page about an assignment for the school im in. My name is Nathan and i'd like to take you all through this journey together. The HMW (how might we) question i wanted to answer is "how might we make people find a bathroom quicker". My solution is an app called Public toilet, i found it a rather unique answer to this problem because it counts on other people and not just a device but more on this later.
Part 1: The problem
here is the problem:
For this part i also had to make a problem board and here it is:
My appologies for the bad drawing of it all, but to reflect on this i never really had issues doing this kind of stuff. imagining myself in other people their shoes has always been something i could do so i was quickly done with this part
Part 2: The Brainstorm
This is the part of the assignment where you had to brainstorm for a sollution, Now this part looking back on it was REALLY fun in my opinion, they didnt give us any limit so we could go as crazy as we wanted so i loved this. We also had to use methods seen in class here is method one the random object generator
And here is the second method i used : The superhero method
We had to choose 3 solutions and here are my choices
Part 3: The Solution
Now it was time to make a solution board also not one of the hardest jobs of this assignment. i made one with 12 panels. here it is for the first thing of my solutions Public Toilet:
Part 4: The Pitch
In my oppinion the hardest thing of this assignment flawlessly pitching your idea in a short amount of time is incredibly difficult. But i did my best here it is:
Final: Revision
if id revise on this whole project one thing was pretty clear to me: Feedback is everything. It helps you get sure of your project and helps you see if you are close to the right direction. this was fun but not too difficult i liked it. 

Thank you for reading through my project and have a great rest of the day. 
The next best thing
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The next best thing

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