Profilo di Jessica Aulia Lisny

Supermama Lab - Bottle Brush Set Packaging

Cuteness Meets Functionality
in Delightful Packaging Design
Adorable & Functional Baby Bottle Brush Set

Embark on a whimsical journey with our Portable Baby Bottle Brush Set, where cuteness harmonizes with functionality. The enchanting design features an adorable bear head container housing ergonomic baby bottle brushes. Get ready for an unBEARably cute experience that adds a playful touch to your baby care routine.

How can we extend our 'cuteness meets functionality' ethos to the Bear Hug Baby Bottle Brush Set, ensuring it harmonizes with existing products like the Owl Wearable Breast Pump and Rabbit Milk Warmer?

We envisioned a delightful bear head container, combining charming aesthetics with practicality. The ergonomic design and secure closure provide functionality, while the bear head adds a whimsical touch. For the box, a premium and clean aesthetic with a white background symbolizes purity and cleanliness, aligning seamlessly with the product's purpose. Clear product imagery, usage details, and unique selling points further enhance the visual connection with the product's functionality.

1. Cuteness & Functionality: An adorable bear head container offering both charm and practicality.
2. Premium Aesthetic: The sleek white box enhances the product's overall appeal, reflecting purity.
3. Visual Connection: Clear imagery and product details establish a visual link with functionality.
4. Brand Consistency: The packaging design aligns perfectly with the brand's ethos of 'cuteness meets functionality.'

Ready to turn your ideas into stunning visuals? Let's chat!
Reach out via email to kickstart our creative collaboration.​​​​​​

Supermama Lab - Bottle Brush Set Packaging


Supermama Lab - Bottle Brush Set Packaging

Witness the magic behind the unBEARably cute Portable Baby Bottle Brush Set! As the creative designer for this project, I transformed functionali Leggi di più
