Profil von Niruthiga Krishnarajah

“Capture Essence of Fish Markets: Photographic Journey”

Type of Photography - Street Photography (Candid Shots)
Types of camara used: Cannon EOS60D.
Location: Chavakacheri Town, Northern Province of Sri Lanka
Composition: Rule of Third, Leading lines, Foreground interest and Depth, Depth of Feild, Rule of Odd, Fill the frame, Leave negative space.

Capturing this essence of a bustling fish market through photography is akin to immersing oneself in a symphony of unique sights, sounds, and scents of market, the energy of the people, and the sense of community that is often present.  Chavakacheri fish market is a great place to capture candid moments of everyday life. The market is full of personalities and offers a unique opportunity to document slices of life as they unfold. This photograph shows us the hustle and bustle of the market, the vibrant colors of the fish, and the interactions between the vendors and customers. 

The Dance of Fishermen and Seafood: At dawn, the fish market awakens. The air is thick with anticipation as fishermen unload their catch from vehicle. Their hands, calloused and skilled, deftly sort through silvery mackerels, crimson snappers, and iridescent squid.  This photograph shows us the hustle and bustle of the market, the vibrant colors of the fish, and the interactions between the vendors and customers. Here, the market floor becomes a stage—a choreography of scales, ice, and saltwater. The aroma of brine and seaweed mingles with the chatter of buyers bargaining for the freshest treasures. Here, the pulse of the ocean meets the rhythm of commerce.

Textures and Tides: The lens drinks in textures—the iridescence of a sardine’s scales, the roughness of a crab’s carapace, and the lined of fish. In this fleeting theater, the fish market whispers its timeless tale—a hymn to sustenance, survival, and the ceaseless dance of life.

“Capture Essence of Fish Markets: Photographic Journey”


“Capture Essence of Fish Markets: Photographic Journey”
