For this project, we had to choose between the Seven Deadly Sins or the Seven Heavenly Virtues. These compositions are meant to communicate conceptual consistency and unity by combining both analogue and digital methods.

Here is a list of the sins and what kind of compositions I used...
Lust: found print / collage
Gluttony: typography based 
Greed: personal photograph, full color
Sloth: personal photograph, duotone
Wrath: found photo
Envy: found image with handwritten type
Pride: constructed image, type included

Here's a link to my dropmark to see inspiration and process pictures.

Lust: Wanted to capture the feminine nature of a woman, and how it can sometimes be perceived as vulgarity.
Gluttony: Described Gluttony in the use of the single word "Gorge" which means "to eat a large amount greedily". Replaced the "O" for a simple, open mouth.
Pride: The use of expensive, materialistic items with red string (symbolizing sin) wrapping around them.
Sins & Virtues

Sins & Virtues


Kreative områder