Phillip Lorca Dicorcia
Photo analysis of the top right image;

Philips, images tend to have a theatricality to them. They have a surrealist nature to their otherwise mundane context. I think the dramatic surreal parts of the image come from the high contrast lighting.

I'm pretty sure the image is staged. If this were a candid, in the moment image with the perfect amount of directional natural light would be very unlikely. I believe here he has used a flash with a snoot shone directly on the models face in the mid-ground. The image is high contrast as the main subject is clearly shown and the models in the foreground and background are almost completely in shadow. The model is looking directly into camera with a serious almost enquisative or perhaps disapproving look to camera. 

Its unclear where the image is shot but i suppose it could have been shot in studio because of how perfect the light is, also in the lit hint of background we see it looks like theres a great backdrop.

I quite like Philips work and think he could be an interesting influence for my Jocks and Nerds shoot. I like the juxtaposition between his imagesy seemingly documentary and staged elements. using his techniques of high contrast i can create some captivating images.

danny lyons
Photo Analysis of  the bottom left image;

The image is shot on location in an agricultural field.
The subject, shot off centre in the foreground, is presumed to be one of the workers. This seems to be typical of Lyons work as you can see in his other work that he likes to shoot a subject in there foreground while their domain or place that might represent them fills the background. This relates to my plan for my magazine shoot where i'll be shooting female tattoo artists in the studio they work in. The image is in black and white and low contrast.

The model is posed purposefully, looking straight into camera, aware of the photographers presence. He stands off-centre of frame leaning into the image. His face is sultry and his lips are relaxed yet slightly pursed in a slightly warm look.

It looks as though he uses natural light in this image as the lighting seems pretty even through the fore and background.
The image looks like its taken on film due to the texture of and presence of visual noise.

Chloe Sherman
Vivienne Sassen
Ellen Von Unworth
Presentation to Client
The images
Women who carve
First shoot
Second shoot
Editing Example
Women Who Carve
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Women Who Carve

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