Be bold; do it different.
altMedia (alternative media) is a child company of shyce. altMedia was founded by Christian Ward alongside his friends Nathan Smith, Aiden Famili, Maria Cortez and Karlin Villasis.
altMedia's second project was a promotional video for the Kanata Food Cupboard. This video was entered into the Forester's Financial 150th Anniversary Grant Giveaway. This video was made by Christian, Nate and Aiden with a small budget.
Here are some photos during production, alongside our thumbnail for the video.
altMedia's first project together was a short-length documentary about rock climbing; specifically bouldering. This was made by the entire team with no budget.
Our motion-graphic intro was created by Christian Ward.
Below is a surface-level look at the creation of the motion graphics.
Below is a surface-level look at the amount of pre-production and content created/worked with.
Our team roles for this project were as follows:
This Behance project was created and organized by Christian Ward.