Henkilön Silas Ackermann profiili

asset managment for technology company

Data asset management for technology company
The challenge
Handling marketing assets and projects is always a challenge in a global Company. Providing up-to-date materials for local sales teams is essential for business. Flawless communication with external partners is also needed for optimal workflows and efficient resource allocation. Unfortunately, frequently the structure of a company looks something like the sketch below; different teams have different needs and are often highly siloed.
Every team ends up with its own data storage solutions, and inefficiencies are created when duplicate or outdated files end up circulating in the field. Looking for the right file, uploading, sharing and downloading is a time and resource hog. Sometimes business opportunities are even lost because deadlines are missed or the right materials are not available.
The solution
The solution is a data asset management tool, where instead of different hubs split by business use or unit, a single holistic database is created, which can be accessed by different teams, using different access permissions when required, and can accessed anywhere remotely at any time.
For our customers we used the Adobe Experience Manager to create a completed and up-to-date database. The above diagram illustrates how the database can be accessed for different purposes by all customers and business units, and better fills the gaps in communication connections.
The marketing and communications (MarCom) teams create every asset directly in the Adobe Experience Manager, keeping the database consistently at the most recent version. Even external clients and vendors (e.g. photographers, video editors or freelancers) can access this asset management tool to find files or upload new projects.

Once a project is completed it can be fed immediately and directly into different channels, such as Salesforce for sales teams, the Adobe Brand Portal for PR partners, and even the main company website. This direct workflow guarantees that an asset only has to be uploaded once, and is supplied to all access points immediately.
Integration of the Adobe Experience Manager asset management tool, with the Adobe Brand Portal, plus connection to Salesforce. 

- concept
- lead project handling and management
Images: rawpixel.com /Freepik
asset managment for technology company

asset managment for technology company
