Profil appartenant à katie thomas

Katie Thomas Graphic Design Portfolio

 Katie Thomas
Graphic Design Portfolio 
Personally, what I love about Graphic Design is having the ability to communicate my ideas clearly through art and expressive styles. It allows me to discuss key areas/ problems in society today which evokes change and starts important discussions that should be had.  I have been influenced by many artists throughout my course of learning Graphic Design however those that have really stood out to me have included Jessica Walsh and Joeri Gosens who I am often inspired by whilst creating pieces of work. Jessica Walsh has a unique style in which she consistently uses bright and bold colours to create excitement in her work and draw the eye of viewers. I was particularly drawn to her packaging and branding for the food brand 'Plenty' as I found it innovative and creative for a health
brand. Joeri Gosens inclined me to develop work for sports teams, which I am passionate about in which I found his use of movement throughout his pieces accurately represented the intent of his work and fulfilled each topic of work which was to provide excitement and thrill to viewers. Despite the artists having different art styles and ways in which they produce their work, I will continue to aim to carry inspiration of their works throughout all my pieces of work I produce as I would like to create the same thrill in my works and continue to make powerful yet thrilling outcomes.
This project consisted of pieces I created surrounding a healthy eating brand. I produced logos and promotional work to support the main focus of the brand and to convey the correct messages and morals it should stand for. Here I show few of many experimental pieces of work for the project. The goal was to convey techniques of Jessica Walsh through the use of bright, neon colour schemes which complimented one another. I then went on to develop these pieces into animations allowing the text to move which would allow the piece as a whole to work well on billboards etc  due to its eye-catching nature.
The following work was produced inspired by the work of Joeri Gosens. For this specific project, I created promotional material and logos designs for my own volleyball team with the intent of encouraging and promoting girls involved with sports with the aim of normalising women's teams further and allowing women to feel more comfortable when trying out new sports. 
Continuing the Volleyball project, I decided to produce animations to attract younger girls who may be interested in sport. This work  was inspired by the work of Blue Zoo Animation Studios and their work for the Rugby World Cup which received a lot of attention due to its unique and exciting style.
Inspired by the work of Nina Geometrieva, I produced a range of logos and video game covers for the book 'A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'. We had a short brief which was to produce a follow up from the book itself in order to keep audiences intrigued by the concept. I produced final outcomes of video covers and here show the process to designing my logo.  
Above I have shown a range of drawings and paintings in which I learnt about tonal range and importance of dimension and perspective. The topic is focused on family and childhood. 
For the World Skills competition I entered this year, the day-long semi-final brief was to produce animations and advertising for a new theme for 'The London Dungeons'. I produced social media mock-ups along with animations that provided thrill and mystery. 
For the entry stage of the competition, I was asked to provide a rebranding of the mental health charity 'Mind'. Here I reworked logos, provided colour developments and on the next slide, show some of the posters created in order to promote and advertise their new campaign 'Words Work Wonders'
Katie Thomas Graphic Design Portfolio
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Katie Thomas Graphic Design Portfolio

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