蓝色 药剂's profile


为此学了半年多三维软件 期间无数次重做 推翻
从文案设定建模渲染上 努力着也痛苦着(删除的废稿都有正文的一半哈哈
希望自己能一直Make something awesome吧

Take this time to organize the previous graduation project
I've always wanted to make my own IP
I chose my favorite theme, space science fiction.
I've been learning 3D software for more than half a year, during which I've redone and reversed my work countless times.
From copywriting to modeling and rendering, I've worked hard and suffered a lot (I've deleted as much as half of the main text).
Listening to the roaring fan
I also slowly feel the joy of 3D creation.
From now on, I'll have fewer and fewer chances to do this kind of pure self-expression after I start working.
I hope I can always make something awesome, so I'm taking this time to organize my previous projects.
I've always wanted to make my own IP.
I chose my favorite theme, space science fiction.
I've been learning 3D software for more than half a year, during which time I've redone and overturned it countless times.
From copywriting to modeling and rendering, I've worked hard and suffered a lot (I've deleted as much as half of the main text).
Listening to the roaring fan
I also slowly feel the joy of 3D creation.
From now on, I'll have fewer and fewer chances to do this kind of pure self-expression after I start working.
I hope I can always make something awesome.



