Freminet T-Shirt Designs (2023)
Genshin Impact Inspired Print Designs for the Character, Freminet, ocean depths explorer, talented diver, and adoptive sibling of Lyney and Lynette. Having in mind what aspect(s) to choose to design around him, I chose to design and focus around his scuba helmet for his love of being under water traversing through the depths as well as his faithful penguin companion, Pers, he carries on his person wherever Freminet goes.

Additionally, the gears that are used are seen extensively throughout his wardrobe as charms and buttons. This theme of mechanics and gears are well mentioned in his lore of tinkering with mechanical things such as a wall clock, portable lamp, and musical box amongst many other objects. To Freminet, these inner mechanisms and structures were like labyrinths. Turning one part to move another as a result. Deeply understanding what he is working on.

When he was with these machines, Freminet felt the same way he did when reading fairytales — drinking down a magical potion to shrink him down to the same size as the components. Moving through a world of cogs and clockwork parts where time seemed to pass without his knowledge.

All and all, a fun design to work with and one of my first Fontaine characters to be released in the item series with more to come!
Freminet (Nov. 2023)