Sergey Bartenyev profili

People will learn to live peacefully

Am Yisrael Chai or how we stopped living in caves.
   In this publication, I decided not to limit myself to 3d visualizations. I also want to express the accumulated thoughts over many years of my life about the modern world order.
   So, writing my thoughts in social networks has become unusual for me lately, but this does not mean that there was nothing to share before. On the contrary, sometimes I was tempted to express my pain, but I almost always restrained myself. You will just be very verbose and, at a minimum, you will have problems, and, at maximum, you will be sent to prison. But this was in Russia.
   Someone will ask: “What does Russia have to do with it if you show the Israeli flag?”
I will answer. This is not about Russia as a country and as the place of my birth, which I love very much. We are talking about its authoritarian structure.
   The country has completely turned into a dictatorship in its most terrible manifestations, although many warned about this. But those who warned were marginal in Russia, and abroad people who say the right things, but prevent them from doing profitable business with a future dictatorship. "Real politique!"
   So why did such a transformation occur? Maybe Russia has always been like this, where people are genetic slaves (except for oligarchs, of course, with dual citizenship) and the spirit of imperialism reigns everywhere?
   No! Most people are plasticine. Every country can be made prosperous. To do this, it is enough to follow the postulates of a democratic structure of society. Everything has already been studied, discussed and proven a long time ago.
   I learned about such “sinful” things for dictatorships from many sources and from such wonderful people as Alexey Navalny and the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Vladimir Milov, Michael Nacke, Viktor Shenderovich, Vladimir Kara-Murza and many others. And they, by the way, are direct proof that Russia is rich in the smartest, most talented and enlightened people. However, like any other country.
   It is only necessary to give these sprouts of human genius and moral principles freedom from ignorance, evil and total retention of power. Authoritarianism is a disease that destroys the lives of people, both in their own countries and beyond. He also tries to do this with me and my entire family.
   Dictatorships live only to satisfy the material vices of a small group of people and their sick imagination. Authoritarian countries live off theft. They steal everything they can get their hands on, but the main resource they love most is freedom and a good future for the population.
   Reasonable people fighting for freedom are destroyed, and the disgruntled crowd is explained that the enemy is outside the perimeter. It doesn’t matter which neighbor comes to hand, the main thing is to explain to the masses of those dissatisfied with their miserable life that the Jews, the insidious West, the USA, capitalism, etc. are to blame for this.
   Thanks to countries such as Ukraine and Israel, we have not yet slipped into the bloody redivision of the world in the style of the 20th century. Thank you to Israel - my new home - for standing up for the principles of democracy and law, both outside and within itself. This country has shown that people are not new oil from which the last can be squeezed, but a source of incredible mutual assistance, cohesion and a stronghold of the highest ideals, despite religion, ethnicity, social status and slander from the outside!
   Authoritarianism is a relic of the past. These are caves with rock paintings and hunting for mammoths. Today they have raised their heads, but soon society will learn to live in the 21st century and will finally get rid of this insane practice.
   Because the wheel has already been invented!
CGI | 3Ds Max | Corona Renderer | Adobe Photoshop

People will learn to live peacefully
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People will learn to live peacefully

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