Rebecca Rosario's profileMike Downing's profile

Rethinking AI Photography With Memory

Rebecca Rosario - 26335898                                                                                      PTG2020M                                                                                             
Rethinking AI Photography With Memory

The goal of my project is to combine the use of family archival photos with AI-generated images to evoke memory with people who suffer from dementia. I intend to learn about the individuals past experiences of their life and learn their individual interests to then be able to create specific background images. By doing so will allow me to create a personalised photo experience for the person, and help to encourage them to use their creativity as well as delving into their memory. 

Selection of family archival images:

Some Experiementation:

These are AI-generated images which have been used alongside family archives

Alternative Experimentation: Mockups 

Final Outcomes:
Rethinking AI Photography With Memory

Rethinking AI Photography With Memory


Creative Fields